20 December 2011

Burroughs and The Cut Up Technique

When thinking about the random application of marks in practise, as in Automatic Drawing, we are thinking about an externalised process of making the subconscious visible somehow. The liberation sought in this method was what appealed to the surrealists. Burroughs work is similar to these garbled images. His work is a mangled landscape. The dissection of the recording.

Automatic Drawing 20.12.11

18 December 2011

Fountains Cafe Paintings...

Yes, I have now got back all 19 paintings that were made for the Cafe some 10 years ago, or something. Whilst collecting the remaining 7, I did make the rather obvious discovery that Primark's paper bags are not adequately robust to transport paintings in the rain as they have a tendency to dissolve.


Automatism: Automatic Drawing Project

We're coming up for the new year.

The first of January is a great time to start all those new years resolutions like joining the gym, quitting smoking, learning a new thing, doing something, stopping watching so much TV, listening to new music, getting involved with a new hobby like building a scale model of the Titanic out of plastic blister packs stapled to the front of a weekly publication that will inevitably go out of business by the time you have built the hull and it would have cost you around £2000...etc.

I have been slack with posting stuff on here.

I started this so that I could use it as a kind of running commentary or maybe a 'live' sketchbook, something which would evolve over time. So far I haven't got very... far. So I'm not waiting until the new year. I'm starting now.

I've been trying to think of a system or a way of automating some form of imagery to post on a daily basis. This is what I have decided on. Automatic Drawing. Its not new. Its not clever. My proposal is to make a drawing each day (or near enough) based on the following rules:

1. The pen should be allowed to move freely without intent over image.

2. The image may be worked into afterwards to bring out any representational or abstract qualities that it might suggest.

3. The whole process must take no longer than 30mins in total.

I'm going to use this as a 'limbering up' routine before I start work on anything else. I read on a website its like yoga for artists. Great. So here goes. If it all fails, then maybe I'll quit. Or I'll try real yoga.


12 December 2011

Wack Attack 2005

I have been pretty busy recently trying to get some drawings together to hopefully get exhibited. Here is an exhibition me and my sister did a few years ago now. We hired a church hall and plastered it with rubbish... there may or may not be a return of the wack.

6 December 2011

Martin Lewis (1881–1962)

I discovered Martin Lewis' work at an exhibition of American prints a few years ago at the British Museum. I have always been drawn to the print process and I find these images very dramatic, but of course they were made during dramatic times.

1 December 2011

More Chris Cunningham.... Squarepusher

Yes, more Chris Cunningham....

Chris Cunningham & Autechre

Another Chris Cunningham video following on from Come to Daddy. Cunningham hasn't done much of late, but his work was pretty good back in the 90's. Autechre are obvioulsy pretty good too... or used to be...

26 November 2011


Heres another track that I was messing around with this afternoon. I should have been out doing my Christmas shopping really. Before it gets really busy, but I didn't. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.

Shadow by Homemade Hardcore

Fountains Cafe Paintings 2003....ish

As part of my degree I did a series of 19 paintings for Fountains Cafe, which is in the Civic Centre in Southampton, although now under new management. They have been on the walls there since probably 2003ish and I have finally got most of them back.
I think these could be appearing on ebay very soon!

24 November 2011

Aphex Twin

Sometimes you get reflective and you wonder why you want to make stuff. This is a reason I want to make stuff!
I discovered Aphex Twin in the mid 90's, probably around 97 when I remember seeing the cover art work for 'Windowlicker' in OurPrice. This video is crazy. If you don't know it, then you probably should...

16 November 2011

Momento Mori

'Man has not one and the same life. He has many lives, placed end to end, and that is the cause of his misery.'
- Chateaubriand

1 November 2011

Cyber Punk

This last few weeks I have been reading 'The Diamond Age' by Neal Stephenson, which fits itself into the Cyber Punk sci-fi genre. It reminded me of these works I did a while ago after reading 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson.

"A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding."
William Gibson

Like tv static tuned to a dead channel...