18 December 2011

Automatism: Automatic Drawing Project

We're coming up for the new year.

The first of January is a great time to start all those new years resolutions like joining the gym, quitting smoking, learning a new thing, doing something, stopping watching so much TV, listening to new music, getting involved with a new hobby like building a scale model of the Titanic out of plastic blister packs stapled to the front of a weekly publication that will inevitably go out of business by the time you have built the hull and it would have cost you around £2000...etc.

I have been slack with posting stuff on here.

I started this so that I could use it as a kind of running commentary or maybe a 'live' sketchbook, something which would evolve over time. So far I haven't got very... far. So I'm not waiting until the new year. I'm starting now.

I've been trying to think of a system or a way of automating some form of imagery to post on a daily basis. This is what I have decided on. Automatic Drawing. Its not new. Its not clever. My proposal is to make a drawing each day (or near enough) based on the following rules:

1. The pen should be allowed to move freely without intent over image.

2. The image may be worked into afterwards to bring out any representational or abstract qualities that it might suggest.

3. The whole process must take no longer than 30mins in total.

I'm going to use this as a 'limbering up' routine before I start work on anything else. I read on a website its like yoga for artists. Great. So here goes. If it all fails, then maybe I'll quit. Or I'll try real yoga.
