30 March 2012

New work

Hey, so I haven't posted anything for a while. Maybe I'm just getting lazy. Yeah, that's probably it. Also work has been pretty busy. I do have excuses, but maybe not very good ones. What else... er, I read The Hunger Games for my book group. Its not too bad if you can get past the fact its basically a Twilight version of Battle Royale with some 1984 thrown into the mix.
Its not the usual sort of book I'd read, but then that's the point of being in a book group, to read the kind of rubbish other people read. I had to buy 'The Psychopath Test' by Ron Jonson at the same time to even out the purchase. I enjoyed that more. Next up is Dante's 'Inferno'.

So what else... After going to see the Jeremy Deller exhibition at the Hayward, I've been thinking about some of my earlier work and how I can bring this back into my current drawings.
Its nothing like Jeremy Deller's stuff, but I think some of the ideas are similar in terms of maybe traditions and the absurdity of the human condition.

Anyway, maybe I'll write up some of my ideas in another post. Here is a drawing I did this week. Continue reading for some older stuff...

14 March 2012

Automatic Drawing 14.03.12

I haven't posted any automatic drawings for a while... but here's one I did yesterday on some bright green paper I seem to have a lot of!

13 March 2012

Retracing the Unsinkable

Retracing the Unsinkable
SouthamptonCity Art Gallery’s Biennial Open Exhibition 2012
17th March – 29th April 2012 (on display in the foyer and Gallery 1 and 2)

300 works of art created by residents of Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Wiltshire and Dorset were submitted for the Retracing the Unsinkable 'open exhibition' all on the theme of the Titantic.
A panel of judges from Southampton City Art Gallery and Aspex Gallery in Portsmouth selected 130 works for display created by artists of all ages from 8 years old upwards.
As well as paintings you will also see 3D works, collages and textile creations.
Three of the artists have been awarded prizes, generously donated by Liquid Divers Scuba School and Southampton Sailing Club.

I have had the two drawings below selected for the exhibition which opens on Saturday at Southampton City Art Gallery...

Click here for more information.   

4 March 2012


Hey, it's been a ropey weekend of revising for me but I'm back. I've been working on a few pieces to submit for exhibition this coming week, so that and doing other stuff to satisfy requirements for the day job has taken its toll. Hopefully I'll be getting on with things again as of tomorrow.

Anyway, here are a few drawings I did a couple of years ago on a bit of an atomic theme which I haven't posted and quite possibly haven't been seen out of the shoe box before.
I remember exhibiting the yellow one....