23 January 2012

Fountains Cafe Paintings 2003

I finally got around to photographing all of the paintings that I created for a site specific project in Southmpton's Fountains Cafe. I completed this back at the time of my degree and although they were initially only agreed to be on the walls for six months, they eneded up staying there until last summer!.

All of these are 30 X 30cm, mixed media and oil on canvas. I was using a texture paste to build up layers under the actual paint, mixing this in some cases with acrylic paint and then sanding back to reveal layers underneath the oil surface.
I think some of them were successful, but I think its also obvious looking at these that I was under a time constraint for getting them all up together. Looking back, I think that making a series of 19 paintings (the large one measuring 100 X 100cm I have yet to photograph), was quite ambitious as all the stretchers I built by hand, stretched, primed and painted.

I'm currently trying to find the original slides that I took to document the installation... I'll post them if I can find them amongst all the stuff I have in storage.